- screen captures of old rare movies from vhs -

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Wind (1928) - Victor Sjostrom

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The Wind (1928) - Victor Sjostrom

Let's start this blog with one of the great silent movie by swedish director Victor Sjostrom, renamed in Hollywood Seastrom.
I'm not a movie critic, i don't want to analyze movies that i deeply feel inside. I'm just interested in emotions. So don't expect here big comments and film studies.
This is not a tribute to Serge Daney or Les Cahiers Du Cinema !!
This is about pictures, frames that moves me. Hope you'll feel the same way.
If you want more informations, check the links and do your own research. You'll be rewarded, trust me.
So, "The Wind" is Lilian Gish masterpiece & i focused these 24 frames mostly on her & how you can feel her emotions on her face. But it was very difficult to choose 24 frames out of this beautiful movie because this is a very visual movie, a sort of swan song of the Silent movies , the sad year of the start of the Talkies. If only the Talkies could have begun a couple of years later, what great silent movies would have been made !! but that's another story.
So watch Lilian Gish and fall in love...

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What is this with these silent movies that we don't find anymore ?

Letty (Lillian Gish) travels from Virginia to Texas to stay with her best friend. Unfortunately, he lives in a place in the middle of the desert and the wind is constantly blowing and throwing sand around. Letty begins to slowly go mad living there. She marries a man she doesn't love (handsome Lars Hanson), kills a man who rapes her and almost kills herself. (Imdb)
These frames come from a VHS copy recorded in early nineties on FrenchTV sunday cine-club program named : "Le Cinema De Minuit".

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